Thursday, October 30, 2008

Really Gwyneth, Really

In case you haven't heard, Gwyneth Paltrow has a new website, "Goop." Her tag-line is Nourish the Inner Aspect. (really, Nourish the Inner Aspect?? what does that mean?)

Gwyneth shares with us her favorite things, so that we can all benefit from her wisdom and wonder at all her good life provides her. I don't know who she's addressing - as she references her life as a mother and a socially conscientious being, but it sure isn't my world (I'm sure the real target audience is about five people).I mean seriously - she bought the heel-less platform PVC boots that you may have seen Victoria Beckham wearing a few weeks back, is this really someone in touch with the "every man"
And I just love it, can't wait for the next newsletter, but I'm sure if she knew, she'd say it was for all the wrong reasons and unsubscribe me from her email list. She tells her readers to work out and stick with it and to learn to cook with real food. It's brilliantly self indulgent and narcissistic, and aside from the lessons we need to learn from how great her life is - there isn't much on the website and doesn't exactly fulfill it's promise to share things to do/get, etc. Her newsletter offers more insight to this highly enlightened mind -- sharing her "favorite things." Which makes it one of my favorites.

I would like to offer our dear Gwyneth a few pieces of advice, a click through or two on the newsletter could be beneficial - especially if she is trying to make a few dollars on this effort.

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